Level 1: Beginner
- Find the maximum number in a list without using `max()` function.
- Sort a list in ascending order without using the `sort()` function
- Reverse a string without using the `reversed()` function
- Count the number of vowels in a given string
- Check if a number is a palindrome
- Print the Fibonacci series up to `n` terms
- Find the sum of all numbers in a list without using `sum()` function
Level 2: Intermediate
- Find the second largest number in a list without using `max()` or `sorted()`
- Check if two strings are anagrams (e.g., "listen" and "silent")
- Remove all duplicate elements from a list without using `set()`
- Implement a function to find the factorial of a number using recursion
- Write a function to flatten a nested list
- Transpose a matrix represented as a list of lists without using built-in functions
- Write a function to check if a string is a valid rotation of another string
Level 3: Advanced
- Write a program to find the longest increasing subsequence in an array
- Implement a function to find the GCD of two numbers without using built-in libraries
- Generate all permutations of a string without using built-in libraries
- Write a program to implement matrix multiplication without using libraries
- Find the smallest positive integer missing from an unsorted array
- Implement your own version of the `map()` function
- Write a function to solve the "N-Queens" problem for a given board size `N`
- Write a function to solve n-size Spiral Matrix